Monday, December 27, 2010

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VIM: Change encoding of files with VIM VIM

Once the file is open with VIM and assuming that the file is encoded with iso-8859-1 (latin1) must be entered in command mode the next line.
  • : set fence = utf-8
If the file is encoded in utf-8 and want to go to iso-8859-1 you must write the next line.
  • : set fence = iso-8859-1
This command will only allow you to change the encoding of the file is open, however it may be necessary to edit the encoding of multiple files to which you can run the following command linux console.
  • find-name '*. php'-exec vim {} '+ set fence = utf-8' '+ x' \\;
find-name '*. php' allows you to find one or more files into the directory and the directories contained within it that match the search parameter.
-exec allows to execute a command on files that are found. {}
vim '+ set fence = utf-8' to change the encoding of the files that match your search.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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: Vim hints

In the previous publication we review some useful commands for working with VIM text editor. In the current publication will add new commands for working with VIM.
  • d $: To delete the content that exists from the current position of course to the end line.
  • d0: Delete the content that exists from the beginning of the line to the current position of the courses.
  • D: Deletes the entire line where the courses, like "dd".
  • yy: Copy the entire contents of the line where the cursor, like "Y".
  • and $: Copy the content that exists from the current position to end of line.
  • y0: Copy the content that exists from the beginning of the line to the current position of the courses.
  • P: Paste what you copied to the options to delete or copy from the current cursor position onwards.
  • O: Enter text to the beginning of the line before the line that the cursor.
also added some commands executed with ":" to VIM:
  • : v / string / d: Allows you to search all file lines do not contain the string (search phrase) and kill them.
  • : sort u: Sorts all lines written to a file and deletes duplicate lines.
  • : set number: Allows you to add the number of lines of the edited file with VIM.
  • : set nonumber: You can delete the number of lines of the edited file with VIM.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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VIM III: Vim hints

In the previous entry enter some basic commands for using VIM, today will expand the number of commands that can be used in this text editor.
  • dd: Delete the line in which the cursor is located.
  • r: Replace the character on which the cursor is positioned.
  • ~: Replace the character on which the cursor is positioned by a capital letter if the character was lower case or lower case if the character was capitalized.
  • u: Undo the last change made to the document.
  • [ctrl] + r: Redo the last change waste.
  • Y: Copy the contents of the line in which the cursor.
  • p: Paste the last cut or copied item, ie you can copy the last line deleted with "dd" or copied the last line with "Y". It is worth mentioning that this copy is in the position following the current cursor location.
  • G: Go to the top of the last line of the document.
  • 1G: Lets go to the top of the first line of the document.
  • w: Lets move from one floor to the start of the next word, ie, you can move from one floor to another. "W" has the same effect.
  • b: You can go back from a word at the beginning of the same word, that is, they can go back one word to another. "B" has the same effect.
  • m: Make a mark on the document at the beginning of the line where the cursor. Ma ie, that position is marked and the name of the brand is a.
  • ': Returns to the location of a brand created earlier. Eg 'a, is accessed that contains the brand position a.
This editor also allows searches on the document, for this you must use the "/" character.
  • / frase_buscada: Allows a search on the document.
  • n: Access to the next position where the word or phrase.
  • N: Access to the previous position where the word or phrase.
is important to mention that VIM also allows you to search with regular expressions.

As mentioned in previous post also can execute commands preceded by ":" then you add new commands.
  • :% s / frase_buscada / frase_nueva / g: You can substitute one phrase for another in the whole document. The "%" indicates that the search should be made throughout the document, the "s" indicates that the operation to be performed is substitution between the first and second "/" is entered the search phrase, between the second and the third "/" is entered new phrase and the "g" at the end of the line indicates that if the phrase is more than once in a line, it replaces all the times you are.
  • : 'a,' bs / frase_buscada / frase_nueva / g: You can substitute one phrase for another in the document between two marks. The "'a,' b 'indicates that the search should be made between the" a "and" b "of the document, the" s "indicates that the operation to be performed is substitution between the first and second" / "Entering the phrase to search, between the second and third" / "new phrase is entered and the" g "at the end of the line indicates that if the phrase is more than once in a line, is replaced All times are.
  • : 'a,' bd: Clears all lines located between the "a" and "b". The marks "'a,' b 'indicates that the lines will be eliminated should be between the" a "and" b ", the letter" d "indicates that the operation to be performed is to remove the lines.
  • : set nosmartindent: Removes autoindexación in the document.
  • : set smartindent: Add the autoindexación in the document.

"Thank you for sharing your knowledge"

Monday, November 22, 2010

Is It Possible To Pop A Syphilis Sore

VIM II: Vim hints

The vast majority of Linux-based operating systems containing the VIM text editor called for many seems very difficult to use, but it also allows it to be very powerful in editing text.

Before writing some commands that are useful considered that I should note that this text editor is separated into two environments where the cursor, the first is the mode where you can enter commands to get this environment must press the Esc key. The other setting is where you can edit the text. Here are some commands that may be useful to begin working with VIM.

  • i: enter text in the above position at which the cursor is located.
  • to: enter text in position after which the cursor is located.
  • I: enter text at the beginning of the line.
  • A: enter text at the end of the line.
  • o: enter text at the beginning of the next line.
  • x: delete the character of the document on which the cursor (button "Delete" or "Del" has the same effect.)
The commands described above must be entered when in command mode, ie after pressing the Esc key. To run some commands in VIM after pressing the Esc key must be pressed before key ":" (colon). Below are some these commands.
  • : w: save the file contents.
  • : q: Exit the document.
  • : q! : Used to exit the document without saving changes have been made. These command
allow text edits pretty basic, but are the starting point for working with VIM.

"Thank you for sharing your knowledge"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Headaches Digital Piano Dizziness

PostgreSQL: Extract fields from a PostgreSQL

One of the most stored in the database are the date, there are times when you should get some date fields to be used for this table People created as shown below:

create table people (
   id                     SERIAL      NOT NULL,
   rut                   varchar(15) NULL,
nombre varchar (30) NULL,
apaterno varchar (30) NULL,
amaterno varchar (30) NULL,
fecha_nac dating NULL,
   hora_nac         time NULL,
   sexo                 varchar(1)  NULL,
   direccion         varchar(30) NULL,
   ciudad             varchar(30) NULL,
   telefono           integer     NULL,
   created            timestamp   NOT NULL,
   modified          timestamp   NULL, constraint
pk_personas primary key (id)

be rescued from this table each of the fields in the creation of separate registration for others and get the day of the week corresponding date record creation. SELECT

extract (year from created):: int as anyo,
extract (month from created):: int as month,
extract (day from created):: int as day
extract (hour from created):: int as hour,
extract (minute from created):: int as minute,
extract (second created from):: int as second
CASE extract (dow from created)
'Monday' WHEN 2 THEN
'Tuesday' WHEN
3 THEN 'Wednesday' WHEN 4 THEN
'Thursday' WHEN 5 THEN
'Friday' WHEN 6 THEN
'Saturday' END

dow FROM
as people

With this query you get all the date of creation completely broken, besides giving the day of the week that was created using CASE to choose from among the values \u200b\u200bobtained value and converts it into a string with the name of the day.

extract (field from source)

Retrieves the values \u200b\u200bof a date / time, where the source is a field of data type date / time, in this case including a timestamp, while the field is the type of value recovered from the date the existing fields in the variables of time stamps are:
  • century: the century of the return date, there century 0, only exists from -1 to 1. Eg 2000 is the 20 th century, while 2001 is the 21 st century.
  • day: returns the day of the month, going from 1 to 31 according to the corresponding month.
  • Decade: divide the field year at 10. Ie the year 2001 would be the decade 200.
  • dow: returns the day of the week ranging from 0 to 6, where 0 corresponds to Sunday.
  • I: Returns the day of the year which runs from 1 to 365/366 as appropriate.
  • epoch: returns the number of seconds since 1/1/1970. This value can be negativo.También can be used to obtain the number of seconds in a time interval. Eg SELECT EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM INTERVAL'5 day 3 hours');
  • hour: returns the time of the date, this value is between 0 and 23.
  • microseconds: The time in seconds, including the fractional part multiplied by 1,000,000.
  • millennium: Returns the value of the millennium year. Ie the year 1990 is the millennium 2, 2001 is the millennium 3.
  • milliseconds: Returns the seconds of time field multiplied by 1,000.
  • minute: Returns the minutes of the field, this value is defined between 0 and 59.
  • month: For timestamp values, returns the number of the month without the year, values \u200b\u200bare defined between 0 and 12. It also allows intervals of months. Eg SELECT EXTRACT (MONTH FROM INTERVAL '2 years 3 months');
  • quarter: Divide the year and returns four values \u200b\u200bbetween 1 and 4, as the interval that is the day of the year.
  • second: returns the number of seconds including the fractional part of the field.
  • timezone: UTC time zone, measured in seconds, positive values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to the time zone east of UTC, negative values \u200b\u200bto the time zone west of UTC.
  • timezone_hour: Time for time zone.
  • timezone_minute: The minutes for the zone.
  • week: The number of days of the year.
  • year: returns the year of the date, no year 0, so there years before Christ and after Christ.
"Thank you for sharing your knowledge"

Thursday, October 28, 2010

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date: Admission to the database without

The user of a postgres database can wish to access the database engine without having to enter the key.
To achieve this we must create the file ". Pgpass" in the user's home directory you want to enter without the password.
The file should contain lines with the following format.
  • hostname: port: database: username: password
fields in the file described contain the following information:
  • hostname -> type "localhost" if the database is in the same team, should be on another team enter the ip or name of the computer on the network.
  • port -> you must enter the port number for connection to postgres, default port postgres connection is "5432."
  • database -> you must write the name of the database to which you wish to enter.
  • username -> you must type the user name with which you want to access the database.
  • password -> you must enter the password used by the user to access the database.
This file must have strict permissions to read and write only to the user and no permissions for group or others. To check the file permissions can run the following command.
  • ls-la. Pgpass
This delivers the following line in response.
  • -rw ------- 1 username groupname fechamodificacion size. Pgpass
If no file permissions are as shown in the previous line, use the following command to change file permissions.
  • chmod 600. Pgpass
"Thank you for sharing your knowledge"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wordings For Puberty Invitation

key PostgreSQL result of a SELECT Copy a file

There are times when it is desirable to pass the results of a select a file, postgres allows you to perform this operation. For this you must run the following command at the console of postgres.
  • postgres = # copy (select * from table_name) to 'directorio_name / file_name',
This lets you copy all data from the select the file in the selected directory. To make it more clear you can see the following example which is executed in postgres console on a computer with Linux installed.
  • postgres = # copy (select * from students) to '/ tmp / data.txt';

is important to remember some postgres commands that allow assistance.
  • postgres = # \\ h => can get help from the postgres commands.
  • postgres = # \\ help command => can get help from a postgres specific command.
  • postgres = # \\? => Can get help from the postgres client commands. Before concluding
I should clarify that "postgres = #" indicates that the command is executed in postgres console.

"Thank you for sharing your knowledge"

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

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PostgreSQL entry modes, user creation and

After installing PostgreSQL on a machine with Ubuntu, you must enter the system with a user and a database engine available in the database, for this can be used the following command.
  • -u user sudo psql dbname
As user to use postgres as postgres database, this will allow the user to access the database engine without a key rather than the root.

Once you have entered a user must be created to work with databases, this can be done with this command.
As a user must enter user name and password will be created and the key to user input, such as a user to create the same php must write the following.
To create a database owned by the user who has created you must use the command written below.
  • CREATE DATABASE db_name WITH OWNER = "user"
Once the user and the database has been created it can enter the following command PostgreSQL.
  • psql-h localhost-U username databasename
Then the motor requests to the user entered password in the process of creation. Now you can perform all you want with the database you just created.

"Thank you for sharing your knowledge"

Monday, October 25, 2010

Messages On New Arrival

PostgreSQL database: Sequence Control

In PostgreSQL you can create tables with "primary key" autoincremented, as I observed in the following example.

create table students (id SERIAL not null
name varchar (255) NULL, constraint
pk_beneficios primary key (id));

autoincremented This will create a sequence for the "primary key" as shown below.

id integer not null default nextval ('alumnos_id_seq':: regclass)

Some times it is necessary to observe or modify the sequence to perform these operations can be Use the following sentences.

  • "SELECT FROM last_value nombre_secuencia," returns the last value in the sequence.
  • "SELECT nextval ('nombre_secuencia');": Returns the value of the last sequence number and increments by 1.
  • "SELECT setval ('nombre_secuencia', value)": Set the value to the stream, forcing nextval to return (value + 1).
  • "SELECT setval ('nombre_secuencia', value, true);" It works the same way as the previous sentence.
  • "SELECT setval ('nombre_secuencia', value, false);": Set the value to the stream, forcing a return nextval (value).
  • "SELECT currval ('nombre_secuencia');": Returns the value of the last number in the sequence.
The nombre_secuencia can be replaced by "alumno_id_seq" the first example, while the value is an integer greater than 0 (zero).

"Thank you for sharing your knowledge"

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Whatever Happened To Emily 18

Effective solutions, parental control programs

The goal of parenting programs is to protect children during their raids over the network. And need not be worried by the pages they visit your children, or by the time they spend online, just install and configure a parental control software can block dangerous sites for them and review their activities on the network while you were absent.
Here we recommend some you might find useful: Friend

Parental Control
-can block access to certain websites and programs.
-Report of page views and operations on them (what they see your kids on YouTube, what they buy on Ebay, etc.).
-can record screen.
"It gives you access to what they write children in the messenger and social networks.

In this page you can find a shortcut to the software, in addition to the pdf of a journal on risk prevention websites and a list of sites of interest related to this issue. PC Pandora

-Allows access to all types of pages visited, passwords, chats and instant messaging, which records and monitors.
-Block unwanted websites and save screens.
-can run in a visible or invisible (not to warn the children.) -Allows
know, from any computer, anywhere, using children do at home on the Internet.

English software:

From this page you can access various parental control software ( TimeSheriff and Power Key Logger From Home , etc.) and information about them.

-Limit Internet usage time. Monitors
-chat sessions.
-Lock web pages and content.
-Allows custom configuration according to the user.
-Report Internet use and the potential risk exposure.

-Allows blocking web pages, games, chats and programs.
-monitors Internet activity and application usage.
-Report attempts to access the prohibited actions.
-block to exclude certain users. Limits
-time network usage.

There is also a wide variety of antivirus parental control.

These programs are most effective technological tools to ensure safe surfing for children, but you should not only support you in them. They are merely the necessary complement to a good education. Warn your children about the risks and advantages of the Internet with reasoned argument without demonizing it too, because you could encourage an interest in exploring the "dark side" of the network that would be accessible from any computer outside of parental control . Try to encourage the search for helpful information for them and educational games or chat over the web applications of pure entertainment.

Note: Most of the proposed programs have a trial version that lets you know and learn its operation before proceed to buy them, but if you want you can download it for free download from sites like Softonic which often do not present safety concerns.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

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Interview with Civil Guard

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Propaganda about the dangers of Internet - Spain

Thursday, April 22, 2010

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More Useful addresses

Protege a tus hijos de Internet
Protect your children from the risks of the Internet and other technologies

Editorial Anaya Multimedia Francisco Marcelo Rodas Juan and Eva Rosario Martín Ibáñez

March 2010 384 pages ISBN 978-84-415-2739-3

Review here.

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English Agency for Data Protection (AEPD)
Association of Internet
Guardia Civil - Telematic Crimes Group
Internauta Security Office (OSI) - Inteco
Police - Brigade Research Technology (BIT)
Child Protection
Protect your children
Protégeles (Association)
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What can parents do? Internet is not secure

The number one rule is "Never stop navigate freely to children and teenagers alone at Red." Is worthless grounds that "certain that they know more than me." With the natural curiosity that characterizes children and adolescents when they exchange information with friends, sure that children know better than you all over the neighborhood where drugs are trafficked, but not going to give ten euros to look for a dose. Your natural reaction will be informed of those sites, and keep them away.
Protege a tus hijos de Internet
The Internet and computers is basically the same. Provision should reasonable limits and explained, but based on the authority of parents when the arguments are not enough. Something has to be older to serve, if only to know more and be more cautious. Once set time control systems and content filtering, try the Internet as a tool, and not succumb to the temptation to succumb to many parents and educators use it as a reward mechanism. "If you behave yourself, if you clean your shoes, if you order your room, you can browse an hour." Internet is just a tool, and in many cases, no substitute for a good book.
Protege a tus hijos de Internet
For children, the network of networks, through both computer and mobile phone is an adventure, an exciting discovery, a great and fun place where they can constantly make new friends, and where every minute is a new experience.
The problem is that they can not imagine that such a nice friend you are talking to in chat for a couple of months, it is actually a self-conscious middle-aged geek, charged with pedophilia. Similarly, it is very difficult to realize that page so much fun with these cartoons and jokes such black and white actually belongs to a dangerous supremacist group.
Three quarters of the same is true for adolescents and teenagers who encounter the overnight with a network of friends able to provide all kinds of tricks that feed back their eating disorders and various addictions.

Monday, April 19, 2010

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Protege a tus hijos de Internet
The number of Internet users is growing steadily, and the same happens with computers in private homes. That familiarity makes the majority of users have the feeling that both are safe enough. It is a terrible paradox. In other safe houses with alarms on entry points, security doors with steel frame and protected portals doorman, no missed an open window to danger. Unfortunately, much of the Internet is not yet convinced that a computer connected to the Internet is as dangerous as leaving the door open and, therefore, not taken. On the other hand, there is a sector of the population who do know these risks, but instead of taking precautions, be given with a dark line: "Is not nothing you can do," there will always be criminals, "" above are extremely complex technology "... Enough excuses to sit back and let things happen.
Internet is not a reflection of society, brutal, revolt and dark, full of the best and the worst. A nest of culture, entertainment, relationships and entertainment, on par with the origin of a number of deaths. Yes deaths, as it reads.
Protege a tus hijos de Internet
Today, the bully, the pederast and murderer have it much easier. They left the squalor of the streets by the intimacy of your living room. They may stalk the goals put the slippers, while sipping a beer. Are now the victims through the Internet, and these often not even aware of the danger and flocking to his arms.
No joke. It is not yellow journalism. It is simply the case of Peter Chapman, a sex offender become brutal murderer who shocked the British public. Used various social networks to contact young women, preferably under old and hard of sociability. Once collected a wide sampling of favorites, he decided to woo Ashleigh Hall, a 17-year-old through the Facebook network. Convinced that he was also a shy young man of 17 years. In late October 2009 was quoted her in a secluded place, kidnapped, brutally tortured, and murdered.
That false sense of horrible events that always happen to others, the Internet makes little more than cannon fodder, in the perfect scapegoats. Browse without taking precautions is simply suicide.

Monday, April 12, 2010

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Children, victims of Internet

not surprising that children are the ones that suffer most neglected and unsafe practice of surfing the Internet. They are the population group most enthusiastically are embracing new technologies. According to a study by the Danba, which examined the trafficking of 470,000 Web pages, children spend an hour and twenty minutes to surf the web every day of the week. This time, consume nearly an hour a day on social networks and at least fifteen minutes enjoying videos in many websites, especially in the popular YouTube. All that time are often home alone.
Protege a tus hijos de Internet
Sociologists have dubbed this phenomenon with a very descriptive phrase: Are Children of the key generation. The name comes from the fact that very young, have a copy of house key so they can come when parents have not returned from work. In fact, spend hours at home alone with the TV, games console or Internet, before parents return home. The members of this generation are becoming more numerous. And without the protection of adults, the poor are cannon fodder.
is assumed that there is some control of access to sexual content pages, as we now call adult modestly, but when pollsters asked to minors prohibited by the most-visited pages, the rank porn 73 percent of visits. The rest is not reassuring. Social networks represent 11 per cent stakes, 10 percent, and the pages dedicated to the promotion of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, more than 3 percent.
Protege a tus hijos de Internet
The sad and frightening reality is that English children visit almost any web pages, except the children.
If the police can not cope and the laws are ineffective, it is time for parents to get down to work. You can no longer sit back. Inactivity has paid dearly with the blood of children, whether children or adolescents.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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Why this blog

Today daily life revolves around the Internet. Its advantages are numerous, and those who best know and benefit from them are children. But the Internet also poses a number of risks and dangers that need to know to prevent our children from falling into them. It is possible to achieve a reasonable degree of security on the Internet without having to make too many expenses and an acceptable effort by any user, even without IT knowledge. So you enjoy the new technologies, both you and your children, with greater confidence.
Protege a tus hijos de Internet

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

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Opera: Opera

That Opera browser is a great to have in mind is something that everybody knows today . Loaded with features, but without affecting its speed, is a browser that "makes you want to."

10 version of Opera has excellent support for web standards . No wonder therefore that the new Presto engine to provide a score of 100/100 in the popular Acid3 test, full support for CSS selectors, custom fonts and a host of technologies that other browsers can still only dream .

Opera Some time ago we were surprised to incorporate into your browser's Widgets. Today strikes again with Opera Unite technology that lets you interact with the Internet in various ways through your browser, chat, web server, notes, file and image sharing. Only one requirement: to have Opera open. Opera

10 also incorporates new features: spell checker, automatic updates and send email as HTML or plain text as well as chatting on IRC and synchronization with your favorite Opera ..

In short and in summary, if you were using earlier versions of Opera, it will thrill you , and if so, it's worth giving it deserves an opportunity for the agile and versatile browser that everybody likes.

Recent changes in Opera:
* Better integration with Windows 7
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Ten to Microsoft Security Essentials: The Microsoft

Microsoft Security Essentials is the highly anticipated Microsoft free antivirus . Compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Seven, Microsoft Security Essentials can be installed only original copies of the operating system.

as antivirus, Microsoft Security Essentials contribute little to the current situation : it has a good engine for real-time protection, automatic updates without charge, a history of events, a task scheduler and quarantine files.

Integration with Windows is, of course, impeccable, and the consumption of resources, very content . Demand scans allow you to choose drives and folders, but no other abstract elements such as memory or boot. In addition, Microsoft Security Essentials not only removes viruses and Trojans, but also spyware, which replaces Windows Defender.

The Microsoft Security Essentials performance is better than many free solutions, and is the first line of defense against computer viruses. Of course, Microsoft Security Essentials does not have the power options and more expensive and complex options, but as free antivirus is just remarkable. Note

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Monday, March 1, 2010

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free antivirus Portable Recuva: Recover deleted files from your USB memory

Portable Recuva is a version that does not require installation of the interesting program to recover files, Recuva.

As the installed version, Recuva Portable includes all the tools necessary to retrieve the files you've accidentally deleted . Lets you scan a folder or a particular unit, list all previously deleted files and restore them on a selective basis.

is perfect for all types of files to recover . Whether text documents, photos, videos, songs and even archives packages. The only requirement is that the sector requires that occupied the deleted file is not overwritten by another file.

certainly Portable Recuva you great speed. Both for this as simple as it is used, Portable Recuva makes fools of other similar programs.

Recuva Recent changes Portable:
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Oceanis Change Background: Change the Windows Desktop background 7 Starter

Windows 7 Starter, cheaper edition of Microsoft's latest operating system, is being installed in almost all netbooks. Its limitations have to do with customization. For example, you can not change the wallpaper. Made

law, a loophole: Change Background Oceanis is a tool to change the background of Windows 7 Starter . Get it through their own process, WallPaperAgent, which remains in memory and force the display of background you want, not fear, only spends about one megabyte of RAM. Oceanis

Change Background is like the wizard of Windows Desktop background 7: a menu for the position of the image, another to define the switching time and funds to randomize the sequence boxes or save power. The image folder from which to choose Oceanis Change Background funds are chosen from the Location menu.

Despite its rustic design and lack of support, Oceanis Change Background achieves its purpose: to provide users of Windows 7 Starter possibility of changing the wallpaper. Oceanis

Change Background supports the following formats: is designed to work only with Windows 7 Starter Edition

Oceanis Change Background Note: You must restart the computer after installation.

If Oceanis stop working after an update, uninstall and reinstall. DOWNLOAD

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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Spotify: Listen to what you want, when Wise Registry Cleaner

Spotify is a program you can enjoy what is known as radio on demand. A program with a simple search that lets you listen to the song you want, whenever you want.

Undoubtedly, Spotify has everything you need to mark a turning point in this type of program . Spotify easy to use, its servers are full of content and their quality is simply excellent.

With Spotify can launch a search and listen to the song or the song you want as complete CD . In addition, Spotify allows you to create your own playlists, play no waiting and even share them with others simply by sending an link.

In short, if you typically use your PC to play music, Spotify is an interesting alternative to download the songs. A program that operates like no other possibilities that radio on demand may offer.

About the license: invitation is needed to register a user account. DOWNLOAD

official Web

Free English

OPERATING SYSTEM: Win98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7

Minimum Requirements: Requires invitation code to create an account.

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want: Insights and cleaning Windows Registry

Wise Registry Cleaner is a utility that will analyze thoroughly the registry of your operating system, will show inconsistencies and correct those that you specify.

The great feature of Wise Registry Cleaner is that it shows distinct errors can be corrected quietly calls "Safe to fix" and are green, those which can be corrected but carry some risk.

By default, Wise Registry Cleaner will make mistakes just "Safe to Fix" but also show you the rest if you decide to "take risks."

anyway, and for safety reasons, the first thing the program asks you to do is create a backup Register copy that you can also easily restore from the same program. DOWNLOAD

official Web

Free English

OPERATING SYSTEM: Win98/98SE/Me/2000/NT/XP/2003/Vista/7

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ms Office Cookbook Templates

TVManRadio Portable: Televisions and radios from Spain at the click

Many television viewers and Internet radio promise wide variety of stations on your list, but there are few who meet expectations.

Portable TVManRadio's approach is much clearer: contains only English television and radio. There is a modest selection of regional channels and radio stations nationwide. Portable TVManRadio reproduces in its own window with Windows Media Player.

Playback can be full screen or in a mini-player . The appearance of the interface is primitive, but the program is quite stable. In addition to radios and televisions, you can see the multi-channel teletext.

Portable TVManRadio Other features are less useful or not work, as recording what you see or hear . If not for its poor usability and these failures, Portable TVManRadio further highlight in the landscape of television Desktop.

Portable TVManRadio Note: is recommended to install the Octoshape plugin to properly view all
TVManRadio Recent changes in Portable:
a full window display * New interface
more orderly
* 100% compatible with Windows 7

* Internal improvements * Improved channel tuning up to 50% faster
* More TV and Radio

DOWNLOAD official Web

Free English

OPERATING SYSTEM: Win2000/XP/2003/Vista/7

Hair Follicles Inner Thigh

CrystalDiskInfo: Check the health of your hard disk

CrystalDiskInfo is a tool that analyzes your hard drives and tells you your temperature and if they are in good condition , and other information as the firmware, the serial number, interface type or size.

CrystalDiskInfo can be placed in the system tray and analyze the disk or disks from time to time. As a result of the checks, CrystalDiskInfo charts give you will be very useful for understanding the evolution of the temperature or hours of operation.

contrast, CrystalDiskInfo gives no help in understanding what some of the data provided, so nontechnical users can only use the hard disk sheet , health status, temperature and graphics. DOWNLOAD


English official
OPERATING SYSTEM: Win2000/XP/2003/Vista/7

Friday, February 19, 2010

Extensive Blood Work Show Signs Hiv

LenMus Phonascus: Learn to read sheet music and improve your musical ear

LenMus is a very interesting educational program to help you out in the study of musical language and auditory training .

This free project, designed for music students, teachers and amateur musicians is structured in three parts: Reading rhythm Level 1, Level 2 Reading rhythm and general exercises.

An exciting opportunity to improve your knowledge of music and train your ear. DOWNLOAD

official Web

Free English