In PostgreSQL you can create tables with "primary key" autoincremented, as I observed in the following example.
create table students (id SERIAL not null
name varchar (255) NULL, constraint
pk_beneficios primary key (id));
autoincremented This will create a sequence for the "primary key" as shown below.
id integer not null default nextval ('alumnos_id_seq':: regclass)
Some times it is necessary to observe or modify the sequence to perform these operations can be Use the following sentences.
- "SELECT FROM last_value nombre_secuencia," returns the last value in the sequence.
- "SELECT nextval ('nombre_secuencia');": Returns the value of the last sequence number and increments by 1.
- "SELECT setval ('nombre_secuencia', value)": Set the value to the stream, forcing nextval to return (value + 1).
- "SELECT setval ('nombre_secuencia', value, true);" It works the same way as the previous sentence.
- "SELECT setval ('nombre_secuencia', value, false);": Set the value to the stream, forcing a return nextval (value).
- "SELECT currval ('nombre_secuencia');": Returns the value of the last number in the sequence.
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