In the previous publication we review some useful commands for working with VIM text editor. In the current publication will add new commands for working with VIM.
- d $: To delete the content that exists from the current position of course to the end line.
- d0: Delete the content that exists from the beginning of the line to the current position of the courses.
- D: Deletes the entire line where the courses, like "dd".
- yy: Copy the entire contents of the line where the cursor, like "Y".
- and $: Copy the content that exists from the current position to end of line.
- y0: Copy the content that exists from the beginning of the line to the current position of the courses.
- P: Paste what you copied to the options to delete or copy from the current cursor position onwards.
- O: Enter text to the beginning of the line before the line that the cursor.
- : v / string / d: Allows you to search all file lines do not contain the string (search phrase) and kill them.
- : sort u: Sorts all lines written to a file and deletes duplicate lines.
- : set number: Allows you to add the number of lines of the edited file with VIM.
- : set nonumber: You can delete the number of lines of the edited file with VIM.
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