Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How To Get Burn Off Of Iron

Arrogant Arrogant Urban 2 Urban ... 1 Deputy homophobic

planners seems that they forget that we all
city Vitacura
The issue brought out the worst of our "urban planners", starting with Paul Allard that same day Plebiscite of Vitacura (March 15, 2009) ... from his column, he talks about everything ... with a platform that makes a sage in urban ... between their sentences out this bronze.

"Pastry your cake, and here are mine. Vitacura The fact that you have finished voting in a referendum is binding and mandatory, rather than a triumph of citizen participation is an unfortunate distortion. First the waste of resources because the only organization of it will cost more than $ 200 million. Second, because it requires all enrolled in Vitacura to comment on changes that affect very bounded three areas (one already approved by the respective board of Neighbors), which indifferent to the vast majority will vote for what tinque and do not learn much. And third, alters the development of an urban planning law is explicit instances of information, observations and participation, high technical and whose approval is based on a municipal council, that voters have delegated that responsibility. "
and ends with ...
" If you are not what sufficiently informed and are uncertain about his position, I suggest you trust what the professionals in your community proposes. Better sound and orderly conduct development pressures with the tools we have. "

Noo Answer ... thanks ... we have relied heavily on planners ... and so distrustful of them. .. when you have to do OFERTON to buy their products there care about our "opinion" but when it comes to wanting the best for the place we live ... then "let the technicians."


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