Sunday, May 25, 2008

Las Tetas De Paty Manterola

My Linksys Router with Linux: Thanks!

Holas everyone!

Long time no write, for work, projects, study, love, etc, etc. are monopolizing my life, but time is recovering my blog. I write to share my experience with the Linksys router WRT54Gv8, with less memory than ever, and more over can not be disassembled. Well, in theory, because in practice I've disarmed. Here some pics:

disarm cost me much, and even reached a point where he would not survive, but in the end everything went well, and counts as a week plugged in without problems.

The graphic interface is very intuitive and advanced, compared with the original Linksys: Connect to the Telnet, is based QoS IPTables, DNS and DHCP server very advanced, configurable, Cron, Wake-on-Lan, for waking computers on the network, and even allows programming it to turn on equipment at a certain time. It also lets you create multiple wireless networks, based VLAN and have different types for each security, whether WPA, WPA2, WEP, WEP Enterprise, Enterprise, WPA, or no security. Another nice thing is that it gives an interesting use the button that brings Linksys, allowing turn the wireless radio.

The most important part of this firmware is the issue of power: You can set the chipset to 260MW, or about 10 times the original, although the people of dd-wrt.con not recommended, can overheat Peus the chip. I think it is best used as 180MW and soak in oil for cooling.

The router also has a connector on the motherboard to connect an antenna external: it has the connector using wireless cards for notebooks, the MMCX, but I think the best is to put the original connectors or other start-ups to take advantage of the two antennas you have. This also allows you to customize that occupy antennas to transmit from the same control panel. I hope if any

excited to buy hardware free, or that may occupy alternative firmwares or drivers, since most of the time we can take full advantage of our hardware. Sometimes it is more expensive, in this case, if we compare it with a belkin or a D-Link, but consider it an investment and that after all we will have something that will last a lifetime and that, in firmware alternative we'll take more advantage. What more could you want?, Well that can easily disarm, something not to lose the guarantee:


Friday, May 23, 2008

Indian Name For New House


the rag and the table without a cloth!

From my ScribeFire, a plugin for Mozilla Firefox which lets you write beautiful post directly from the browser, write that this blog is not dead and that excuse neglect. Now (and now if it did) I will start to dump (core dump) all my knowledge about free software that I have cultivated these months since I've written. To begin, I want to show a video of what it can survive a hard disk with the revolutionary file system ZFS on OpenSolaris open platform:

The new style I find the blog more appropriate than the last, and although it is not the 'free family', also present. I like this new provision, which allows me to show more things like blogs more valuable friends and new ideas for Ubuntu: please feel invited to all who use this great operating system. We will now prove that such works ScribFire. Greetings!